As you can see, I'm stuck on Dragonslayer. And I've been stuck for a while now. It's not that I have a writer's block - it's nothing like that. It's just that real life is getting in the way. In between starting a new job, moving, going on vacation, there just hasn't been enough regularity in my daily routine that I felt I had the peace and quiet to write. I hope this will change when I start university again in two weeks.
But, there is also good news! While at work I got a sudden flash of inspiration for a horror short. I haven't written a horror short in years (I wrote two under the pen name Finn Herloce, which you can find here if interested), but I loved the twist in this one. When I came home I immediately wrote down the outline in Scrivener so I can't forget it.
So I'm adding the short story progress bar here, so you can all see when I find the time to write it (: It still has the temporary name of "Horror House" but I think that sounds awful, so I'll change it after I'm done writing it. I'm aiming for it to be 8,000 words, but it could be a great deal shorter, that's something I'll have to work out while writing it.